Patreon now per MONTH!
Hey everyone! As of now my Patreon is set to be PER MONTH instead of PER COMIC! This is a good thing! Want to hear my reasons? Sure you do!
Reasons my Patreon is now monthly:
Simpler! Now you don’t need to think about setting a pledge per comic and a max monthly limit because your pledge IS the monthly limit.
Accurate! The $ number on my Patreon page will now show exactly how much I will actually earn this month. Back with ‘per comic’, the number only showed how much I’d get for the first comic in the month, and then actually be less and less as I continue posting comics throughout the month (as people’s max monthly limits would begin to kick in).
More comics! The main reason I originally went ‘per comic’ was because I started Patreon back when I was still going to my non-related day job every day and didn’t always have the time (or energy) to post a comic. Now that I’m doing this FULL TIME (all thanks to my patrons) I am dedicated to posting AT LEAST once a week, and now even posting TWICE a week!!
That pretty much sums it up.
If you haven’t already checked out my Patreon page but love the idea of supporting Loading Artist financially, give it a look!
Thanks everyone!