


After nearly a year of on-again off-again work, I’m finally ready to present the new (and totally not over-hyped) stream overlay! It will be making its debut with today’s (tomorrow’s? (how 2 timezone)) stream where we’ll draw the new comic. The specific time is mentioned below!


Join us on the Loading Artist Twitch channel later today! 3pm PDT / 6pm EDT / 10pm UTC Wednesdays (or 10am Thursday in New Zealand (wow I hate time zones (oh god daylight savings is kicking in later what does that mean oh god))).

Also, I have a TON of sketchbook doodles relating to this stream overlay, and I’ll be dumping them all over my patrons along with next month’s rewards – just in case you’re interested!


To Garfield

I can’t believe I missed GF’s birthday! Garfield turned 37 38 on June 19th (I can’t math).
GarField not GirlFriend, get it?! Ha ha ha ha ha I’m so alone.


There were only 3 comics in my life when I was growing up: The Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes, and most of all: Garfield. I had way more Garfield things in my life than anything else (probably because Garfield is such a merchandise slut).


I loved Garfield, and I would read the comics every day. So much so that it made me want to become a cartoonist. Look, I even attempted a fan-made Garfield comic:



FUN FACT: Did you know there has been a Garfield comic every day since 1978? And Jim Davis is still making them, and has a whole YEAR’S worth of comics stockpiled? For comparison’s sake, my comic buffer right now is 0.

Hey also I’ll be including the crazy high-res version of this wallpaper (& behind the scenes sketches + animated progression GIF) as part of this month’s Patreon rewards! So if you like the sound of that, or just want to support Loading Artist, consider becoming a patron!

Also also, I’ll be streaming myself drawing the next comic on Twitch in about 8 hours! Goodnight!



I like to check my real-time stats sometimes all the time , and it’s interesting seeing what keywords people have searched to reach my site. I saw this and I had to draw it.





I hope everyone’s having a Valentine’s Day. Or should I say, had. For some reason I didn’t consider posting this on the main page, so I’m doing it now and changing the post-time to earlier. Sneaky. I think I’ll make it a habit of posting these single image posts to the front page blog, so keep your eyes PEELED.

Also, posting this with the CORRECT SPELLING. Facebook’s version will forever haunt me.


Looking Back on 2015

This year was HUGE for Loading Artist!

I switched to doing this full-time, started a Twitch stream, and created as many comics this year than 2013 and 2014 combined! (Well, one short). I know I say this all the time, but thank you so much for sticking around (and extra special extra warm thanks to my patrons for making it all possible). 2016 is going to be even huger.


Like last year, I thought it would be interesting to see which comics were the most viewed. Starting from the 5th most viewed, to the 1st! Bear in mind I can only see the stats of views of the actual comic page, so any direct image linking or rehosting (e.g. on imgur) isn’t counted.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that #4, #3, and #2 are the first 3 comics of 2015. I think them being around longer, and also being what people typically click on first when they view the Archives, achieves this effect.


By far and away the most viewed Loading Artist comic of 2015 with over DOUBLE the views of #2’s Love Game. This was due to reaching the front page of /r/funny with the actual comic page (instead of a rehost). Thanks to redditor /u/Gengho for submitting it!

I hope that was interesting. Have fun with the new year, see you in 2016!!

– Gregor