Hooray! The Loading Artist Facebook page just passed 100,000 Likes! Thank you to everyone who took the time to like and/or share and/or mention my comic to anyone.
This is gonna look great on my Tinder profile.
Hooray! The Loading Artist Facebook page just passed 100,000 Likes! Thank you to everyone who took the time to like and/or share and/or mention my comic to anyone.
This is gonna look great on my Tinder profile.
On Twitch the more subscribers a channel has, the more emotes that channel can have. With your support we now have 7 emotes to spam with! Thank you!!
As a token of my appreciation, I’ve made our next emote an outlet for you when I make those excellent jokes and puns. Presenting the newest Loading Artist twitch emote… loadUgh!
Here he is having a great time among the other emotes:
The next stream tomorrow will be a work/chill stream. Not sure what we’ll be working on just yet. Maybe another emote! Maybe a new stream overlay animation! Maybe none of the above!
If you wanna know when I’ll be LIVE in your timezone, check out this handy calendar!
It’s my birfday!
Thank you so much for being here, reading this, and being a part of my life. Every day I’m amazed I’m still able to do this full time thanks to all of you (especially my patrons!).
The downside to birthdays is that they make you incredibly aware of how quickly time is passing by and how much you still want to get done. Wait that sounds like I’m dying. I’m not. Well technically we all are. Anyway I’ve put together a to-do list and I currently have 87 tasks I want to get done for Loading Artist alone! This birthday post being one of them. 86!
Looking forward to the future!
But not too much in the future because we’ll be dead.
A write up on the games we streamed during December & January, posted in February! So professional!
EDIT: I changed the embedded Twitch clips to links (the automatic semi-preload made the page take too long to load).
Awesome campaign. Cool details. Smooth gameplay. Punching those helper bots to the ground even though all they want to do is work.
I don’t like playing as Titans – I’d rather it was just Fall.
Thanks to KiwiBearz for getting us the game!
The theme song. Cool atmosphere. Neat visual style.
The theme song is not long enough. Bit repetitive (apparently it picks up again near the end though).
Thanks to Senior Fish Face for getting us the game!
CLIP: Dropping Chair Technique
Got Tracer skin. Got Torbjörn skin.
Had to buy Zenyatta’s Nutcracker skin with credits (I NEEDED IT, for I am Tchaikovsky’s great great great great great grandson*).
*dna results pending
Crazy amounts of customization. Easy to use and implement other people’s creations if you’re too lazy to customize. Graphics look great. Can make a skeleton decoration poop dirt over people waiting in line.
Tricky to make money (WELL AT LEAST FOR ME (a lot of people online are saying it’s too easy; maybe running a business just isn’t my forte (says the webcomic artist))).
Thanks to Omega Lairon for getting us the game!
Awesome style. Awesome gameplay. Quick to enter, hard to master.
Thanks to Senior Fish Face for getting us the game!
This is a game I helped make with a friend during this year’s Global Game Jam. You can get it from here if you want to play it (download link is at the bottom). NOTE: Your PC will need to be beefy because this game only comes with one setting: EGGSTREME.
Not enough eggs.
Thanks to Pat, Randy, and myself for making the game!
I’m still getting used to Ubisoft games not being terrible. The open beta will be starting soon if you’re interested in checking it out!
Looks amazing. Great animations. Deeper gameplay than I initially thought.
I suck (but I eventually started to realize WHY I sucked). Cool faction-based war overall theme becomes a bit redundant when Vikings + Samurai can be on the same team.
Thanks to komocode for inviting us to the closed beta!
And that’s a wrap!
It’s been a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to finishing Resident Evil 7 for February’s post! Already got a few great clips out of that game alone.
Watch me play more games, and/or watch me draw these comics by following me on Twitch! See you in the chat!
Over the years I’ve encountered fan-made animations of Loading Artist comics. Here are some that stand out to me!
This one made by EssenceCartoon was just uploaded the other day (which was what made me write this post) which they based on my Heartbroken comic. It’s definitely the most ambitious cartoon depiction I’ve seen yet, and I like how they kept that Playstation lamp detail.
This one by miniestudio was the first fanimation I saw (posted 5 years ago now (oh god, time pls)). I still love the way they animated that bowl. Based on my Breakfast Cereal comic.
The people just weren’t ready, miniestudio.
This one kinda freaks me out. Based on my Red Apple comic.
These next ones aren’t really animations (they’re dubs), but I like these two and I feel they deserve a special mention.
Based on my Out of Control comic.
Based on my Pet Rock comic.