
'Lightheaded' Fanimation

Check out this awesome awesome awesome animation of the Lightheaded comic, animated by Cameron Blake!

I really appreciate all the attention to detail (love the twinkling star addition), and the frame by frame animation looks painstakingly sweet (just look at this timelapse! I can’t even sit through that, let alone the 57 HOURS SPENT ON MAKING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE).

Direct link to the video here, and subscribe to his channel here!


Loading Artist Rewind 2017

Whooaa I can’t believe another year has finished and we’re all still alive (yay well done)! I hope you all had a great Christmas and now it’s time we sit down and look back on some of the highlights of 2017.

First up are my top five favourite comics, each personally HAND PICKED by yours truly.



This year you guys have really outdone yourselves with all the inside jokes and memes, so here are some of my favourites I found in our Twitch chat and Discord server.

And finally we’ve streamed more this year than ever before and here are some popular clips from Twitch.

Thanks again for an awesome year, I’ve really enjoyed making comics for you guys especially on stream. Thanks for all the support, donations, feedback, and title suggestions! I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you guys.

Hope you all have a good break and I will see you in the new year! In the mean time you can follow me on Patreon, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Discord.

Looooove you.

– Gregor


Grand Opening!


We finally have our very own store!

But wait, you ask, didn’t you already have a store? Well yes technically, but it isn’t until now that we REALLY have one to ourselves. One where I can have the store just as I want it to be (or as far as my programming skills let me) without all the bulk that typically comes with those middle-men stores. It will also serve as the foundation for allowing new types of merch in the future (*cough* book?).

So check it out, I’d love to know what you think! If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to send me a message at [email protected] or any of my social media channels.

Also if you’re thinking about Christmas, check out this handy page for Christmas deadlines (sorry if it’s already too late for your country but hey everyone loves a special post-Christmas present, they never expect it!).




Just finished streaming Ori and the Blind Forest this week. Such a beautiful game, and it plays so well once you achieve a certain ability (I found a video that talks about that specific thing from a game design perspective).

The resulting death count was 347.

🔴 If you want to know when I’m LIVE, follow me on Twitch to get notified! Here’s a calendar to find out what time I’m streaming in your timezone (it can get pretty weird considering I live in New Zealand).