
Enter the Archives!

In addition to the main Loading Artist channel, there’s now a new separate Loading Artist Archives channel! :loadLurk:

This is where I’ll be uploading past Twitch streams so they have a place to live permanently (because saved streams on Twitch expire after a few months). So if you missed a stream and wanted to check it out, check the Archives!

Wait didn’t you have these videos already up on the main channel? :loadHmm:

Yeah…  I realized (far too late) that uploading 10 hour streams every week that only a small fraction of people would watch a tiny fraction of was most likely hurting my channel’s algorithm. Sooo… I made the tough decision to move them all to a new channel, and pray the main channel hasn’t been permanently tainted in the eyes of YouTube. 🙏


More Emotes!!

We’ve unlocked FOUR new Twitch emote slots recently (major thanks to all the subscriber-gifting going on (especially by Rarin and benaryorg! :loadLove: )), and here they are!

Actually 5 new emotes (loadWat, loadSad, loadLaugh, loadSigh, loadWow)

You may be wondering wait a second that’s five emotes, not four. The :loadLaugh: is an updated version (goodbye strange laughing ghost sperm).

You can also use these emotes in the comments of this site by using Discord’s syntax of :loadWhatevertexthere:


How I draw FAST (tutorial video)

It’s here it’s finally here! The book tutorial video!!

:loadLurk: Tier 2 patrons (or Tier 2 twitch subs) get access to the BLOOPER REEL which is 30 minutes of unedited footage of me trying to get the 1 minute of intro/outro content.. it is as painful as it sounds.

For those who would prefer a written guide instead of watching the video, I’ve put one together on Clip Studio’s TIPS site here!


31st Birthday!

I TURNED 31 LAST WEEK! I know it’s a bit late to mention it, and normally I don’t even like to dwell on a birthday (I don’t need another reason to feel panicked about how quickly time is passing by) but this birthday was just so amazing it’s definitely one worth writing down somewhere to remember.

I’ve been drawing birthday cakes for people on stream for a long while now. So for my birthday, a lot of the regulars from the chat got together in secret to draw me a birthday cake!

And by “in secret”, I mean like.. make an entire hidden Discord server to plan and put it together secret. It was Camjocotem who came up with the idea of everyone contributing toward one big cake, and then Li (from Exocomics) organized and stacked everyone’s cake layers together! Not just cakes though, but candles too, and even super nice hand-written messages! :loadLove: So many inside jokes and references :loadJ:

Huge stack of birthday cakes for me made by everyone <3

Huuuuuge thank you to everyone who contributed and for making this such an amazing birthday! I AM REALLY TOUCHED. :loadLewd:

To top it off, here’s an incredible birthday video by MarcMansfield put together with a gazillion clips from the stream. Thank you! I really love it! :loadLove: