Looking Back on 2015
This year was HUGE for Loading Artist!
I switched to doing this full-time, started a Twitch stream, and created as many comics this year than 2013 and 2014 combined! (Well, one short). I know I say this all the time, but thank you so much for sticking around (and extra special extra warm thanks to my patrons for making it all possible). 2016 is going to be even huger.
Like last year, I thought it would be interesting to see which comics were the most viewed. Starting from the 5th most viewed, to the 1st! Bear in mind I can only see the stats of views of the actual comic page, so any direct image linking or rehosting (e.g. on imgur) isn’t counted.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that #4, #3, and #2 are the first 3 comics of 2015. I think them being around longer, and also being what people typically click on first when they view the Archives, achieves this effect.
By far and away the most viewed Loading Artist comic of 2015 with over DOUBLE the views of #2’s Love Game. This was due to reaching the front page of /r/funny with the actual comic page (instead of a rehost). Thanks to redditor /u/Gengho for submitting it!
I hope that was interesting. Have fun with the new year, see you in 2016!!
– Gregor